Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ancient Humans in Indonesia

In the case of the discovery of early human fossils, Indonesia occupies an important position, because early human fossils were found from Indonesia of all the Pleistocene it is clear that the physical development of early humans. Ancient man found in Indonesia are as follows.

A. Homo

1. Homo Mojokertensis
The Homo mojokertensis (ape-man from Mojokerto)
Fossils were found in Perning (Mojokerto) in East Java in 1936 - that this gay 1941.Fosil Von Koenigswald found ..

2. Homo Robustus
The meaning of human Robustus itself is a big strong ape body was found in 1936 in Sangiran River valley Solo.Fosil homosexuals who are found Von Koenigswald ..

3. Homo Sapiens
This type of gay men who already have a shape similar to the human body now and also has the nature of man now but still has a very simple life, and of course life wandering (nomadic). The type of Homo sapiens found in Indonesia there are two, namely:

- Homo Soloensis

- Homo sapiens wajakensis

A) Homo Soloensis
Soloensis Homo fossils found in Ngandong, Blora, at Sangiran and Sambung Macan, Sragen, by Ter Haar, Oppenoorth, and Von Koenigswald in the year 1931-1933 from the Upper Pleistocene layers. Soloensis Homo, which lived about 900,000 to 300,000 years ago.

Brain volume reached 1300 cc.

According to Von Koenigswald creatures higher level compared with Pithecanthropus Erectus. Is estimated that this creature is an evolution and Pithecanthropus mojokertensis. By some experts, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo classified Soloensis which is a hominid species Homo sapiens from Asia, Europe, and Africa from the Upper Pleistocene layers.

B) Homo Wajakensis
Wajakensis Homo fossil was discovered by Van Riestchoten in 1889 in the village Wajak, Tulungagung. This fossil was then studied by Eugene Dubois. This fossil is the first hominid fossils were reported from Indonesia.

Wajakensis Homo fossils have about 130-210 cm in height, weighing between 30-150 kg. 1300 cc brain volume reaches this kind of early humans lived between 40 000 -25 000 years ago, the Upper Pleistocene layers. When compared to the type sebelu mnya, Homo Wajakensis show progress.

The food was cooked, although still very simple. Homo skull Wajakensis have much in common with the skulls of indigenous Australia, Aboriginal. Therefore, Eugene Dubois suspect that Homo Australoide WajakensIs included in the race, bernenek ancestor of Homo Soloensis and reduce Aboriginal peoples. Wajakensis Homo fossils also have similarities with the human fossil Niah in Sarawak Malaysia, human Tabon in Palawan, the Philippines, and Australoid fossils from South China, and South Australia.

4. Homo Floresienses (Hobbit)
Of which is described like a human and a dwarf stature, has existed since 13,000 years ago means that these dwarf humans live together with other normal human being ...

B. Ancient Humans in Indonesia

1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

Paleojavanicus Meganthropus fossil was discovered by Von Koenigswald in Sangiran, Solo River valley in the year 1936-941. These fossils are from the Lower Pleistocene layer. Meganthropus has a robust body and a large and powerful jaws. They lived by gathering food (food gathering) their food mainly comes from plants and fruits. Some experts consider that it is actually a Pithecanthropus Meganthropus with a great body.

2. Pithecanthropus

Pithecanthropus fossils of early human fossils are most commonly found in Indonesia. Pithecanthropus fossils come from the lower and middle Pleistocene. They live by hunting and gathering food they had eaten everything, but the food is not cooked. Consists of Pithecanthropus several types, as follows:
a) Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis
Mojokertensis Pithecanthropus fossils found by Von Koenigswald Perning village, Valley Bengawan Solo Mojokerto , East Java in the Lower Pleistocene layer. The findings in the form of fossil children aged around 5 years. This creature, which lived about 2.5 to 2.25 million years ago. Regulated mojokertensis Pithecanthropus straight, his face thrust forward with a thick brow and strong cheekbones.

b) Pithecanthropus Robustus
This type of fossil found by Weidenreich and von Koenigswald in 1939 in the Trinil, Solo Valley. These fossils are from the Lower Pleistocene layer. Von Koenigswald considered Pithecanthropus fossils is similar to mojokertensis.

c) Pithecanthropus Erectüs
This type of fossil was discovered by Eugene Dubois in the village of Trinil, Ngawi, East Java, in 1890 came from the Middle Plestosen layer. They live around one million to one and a half million years ago. Pithecanthropus Erectus walked upright with a straight body and a powerful tool chewers. Pithecanthropus brain volume reaches 900 cc. Modern human brain volume over 1000 cc, while the ape's brain volume is only 600 cc.

S'moga can add insight knowledge of history


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