Thursday, March 22, 2012

PC Game The Global Made in Indonesia ..!

Friday, March 16, 2012

10 The Oldest Railway Station in Indonesia

10. Ijo Station (1880)
Station Ijo (IJ) is a railway station located on the west Gombong Station. Administratively, the station is located in the Village Bumiagung, District Rowokele, Kebumen. In addition to the station crossing, the other function is as a railway tunnel controller (called a tunnel Ijo) are located on the east side of this station. Management station located at an altitude of +25 m above sea level is below 5 Regional Operations Navan. The station was built in the mid 1880's is rarely visited by train. Berperon station side has three rail lines.

9. Kotalama Malang Station (1879)
Kotalama Malang Station (MLK) is a railway station located on the Breadfruit District, Malang. The station is located at an altitude of +429 m asl are located in Surabaya Operations Area 8. This station is the southernmost train station located in the city of Malang, and the oldest, built in 1879. The addition of the name "Kotalama" is intended to distinguish the Kotabaru Malang Station which was built later.
Malang Station branching there Kotalama rails leading to the Pertamina depot.

8. Surabaya Kota Station (1878)

Surabaya Kota station (SB), which is popularly known as Ant Theatre is located in the demolition, Customs beauty, Surabaya.
Station is located north of Surabaya Gubeng and also the final destination station in Surabaya city south of the railway line that connects the island of Java, Yogyakarta and Surabaya in Bandung and Jakarta. Another important station in Surabaya Pasar Turi Station is connecting Surabaya to Semarang. New in the independence period, the Railway Bureau held a rail service between Jakarta and Surabaya Pasar Turi through Semarang.
Historically, Surabaya City Station was built when the railway line and the Surabaya-Malang Pasuruan initiated around 1870. The goal is to transport crops and plantations of rural East Java, especially from Malang, to the Port of Tanjung Perak is also built around the year. This building was inaugurated on May 16, 1878. With the increasing use of the railway, on 11 November 1911, the building is undergoing expansion to the station to its present form.

7. Purwosari Station (1875)
Purwosari Station (PWS) is a railway station located on Jl. No Slamet Riyadi. 502, Purwosari, Lawiyan, Surakarta. Station located at an altitude of +98 m above sea level is in the Yogyakarta Regional Operations 6.
Purwosari station was built in 1875, and is the oldest station in Surakarta. Its construction is handled by NISM. Purwosari station in the area Mangkunegaran.

6. Solo Balapan Station (1873)
Solo Balapan station (code: SLO, +93 m) is the base station in Kestalan and mill, Banjarsari, Surakarta which connects the city of Bandung, Jakarta, Surabaya and Semarang. This station was established by the railway network in the NIS-colonial 19th century (actually 1873)

5. Kedungjati Station (1873)
Kedungjati Station (Gen) is a railway station located in Kedungjati, Kedungjati, Grobogan. Station located at an altitude of +36 m above sea level is located in Semarang Regional Operations 4. Kedungjati station was inaugurated in May 21, 1873. Station architecture is similar to William I in Ambarawa stations, even the first operation of the railway line to Ambarawa Kedungjati, which is not operating in 1976. In 1907, Kedungjati Station which was built of stucco brick wood is converted into a platform constructed of steel with a zinc roof as high as 14.65 cm.


4. Ambarawa Station (1873)
Ambarawa Railway Museum is a railway station which is now converted into a museum in Ambarawa, Central Java that has a complete train which had triumphed in his day. One of the steam train with a locomotive number B 2502 and B 2503 made ​​Maschinenfabriek Esslingen is still able to run the activity as a tourist railway. Serrated steam train is unique and is one of three remaining in the world. Two of them were in Switzerland and India. In addition to its collection was unique, it can still be witnessed various types of steam locomotives of series B, C, D to the largest type of CC (CC 5029, Schweizerische Lokomotiv und Maschinenfabrik) in our museum.

3. Lempuyangan Station (1872)
Lempuyangan station (code: LPN, +114 m asl) is a railway station located in the city of Yogyakarta, is about 1 km to the east of the city's main station, the station Yogyakarta. The station was established on March 2, 1872 was served the dismissal of all the economic train that crosses the Yogyakarta. Lempuyangan stations along the rail that stretches from west to east is the border between north and sub ​​Gondokusuman Danurejan in the south.

2. Semarang Tawang Station (1868)
Semarang Tawang Station code (SMT) is a base station in Tanjung Mas, North Semarang, Semarang the railway service, and business executives. Train the economy does not stop at this station. This station is the oldest major railway stations in Indonesia after Semarang Warehouse and inaugurated on July 19, 1868 for Semarang Tawang path to Responsibility. This pathway uses the width of 1435 mm. In 1873 this line was extended up to Race Solo Station and continue to Lempuyangan station in Yogyakarta.

1. Semarang Gudang Station  / Tambaksari (1864)
The station was built on June 16, 1864 which was inaugurated by the Governor-General Baron van de Beele Sloet. For the operation of this route, the Dutch government appointed Spoorweg Nederlandsch Indische Maatschappij (NIS), one of the NIS headquarters, now known as Building Sewu Lawang. And precisely on August 10, 1867 a train slid for the first time at this station.

Monday, March 12, 2012

5 Kris Legendary in Indonesia

In the past serves as a weapon dagger in duel / battle, as well as complementary offerings objects. On the use of the present, more of a dagger in a dress accessory items, has a number of cultural symbols, or a collection of objects being assessed in terms of aesthetics. But you know, there are some keris is so legendary in this country? For the keris collectors may have the following kerisses as the culmination of their dreams.
 A. Keris Mpu Gandring
Keris is a weapon MPU Gandring famous heritage in the history of the founding of the Kingdom Singhasari in Malang, East Java now. Keris is famous for his condemnation that took the lives of the elite and the wearer Singasari including founder, Ken Arok. Kris is made by a blacksmith who was known to be sacred by the name of MPU Gandring, on orders Ken Arok. After completion of a dagger with a perfect form and shape and even has a supernatural ability that it is said that over the keris. Then Ken Arok was tested by Keris on MPU Gandring menusukannya that supposedly he did not keep their promises. In dying, mpu Gandring issued Keris is a curse that will require sacrifice the lives of seven derivatives of Ken Arok. Along the way, Kris is involved in the dispute and murder of the royal elite Singhasari ie: stumps Ametung, Ken Arok, Ken Arok Anusapati and offspring. 
 2. Kris Kyai Satan Kober
Kyai kris kris Satan Kober is the name of Duke's Jipang, Arya Penangsang. Kris is worn at the time of his duel against Sutawijaya. Kyai Pleret someday spear used on the hull Sutawijaya Penangsang Arya, until his intestines gushed out. Arya Penangsang with alacrity, to associate it to the intestines buraian wrangka upstream or sheath-dagger tucked in his waistband, and kept fighting. The next moment, Sutawijaya great urgency and opportunity that are used by Arya Penangsang to immediately penuntaskan duel, with the repeal of the wrangka kris or keris ngliga (drew), and without realizing that wilah (s) or dagger eyes Kyai Devils cut the intestines directly Kober is implicated in the wrangkanya. He died instantly.
Sutawijaya see how stout Arya impressed with intestinal Penangsang spilled a dagger stuck in the upstream. He then ordered that his son, that one day marry Arya Penangsang mimic and replace the circuit or intestinal buraian ronce jasmine, so the groom will look more manly, and traditions are still used today.
 3. Kris Belt Heritage and Inten Nagasasra 
Kris Heritage Nagasasra and belt were two heirloom Inten King of Majapahit relics. Nagasasra was named one of thirteen luk dagger kitchen and there is also a luk its nine and eleven, so the mention of this kitchen must be accompanied by a stated amount of luk-nya.Bagian gandik kris is carved to the shape of a dragon's head, while the body is described by luk fine scales on the middle bar to follow to the ends of the keris.
One kris makers with the best Nagasasra kitchen, is the work of masters of Ki Nom, was a famous master, and lived at the end of time until the Majapahit kingdom during the reign of Sri Sultan Agung Anyokrokusumo in Mataram. Inten Belt kitchen, as well as having kitchen Nagasasra belasdengan luk three distinct characteristics that have a bribe, bean flowers, elephants and greneng Lambe.
 4. Leaning Mix
Mix the skew is one of the Majapahit kingdom's keris is often mentioned in the legends and folklore. Keris is known as Lean Mix Kanjeng Kyai.
said keris was made ​​gang-raped by a hundred people MPU. Dagger material taken from various places. And finally a keris keris is a very powerful but has a bad character. 
5. Taming Sari Keris 
In the owners tell me the origin of the keris is a warrior or upstream Balang Majapahit kingdom named Taming Sari. Keris is kemudianya swapped out to Melaka which was victorious commander killed Taming Sari named Hang Tuah. Transfer of ownership occurs in a duel dagger is very unusual among the Taming Sari and Hang Tuah, who eventually won by Hang Tuah.

Monday, February 27, 2012


No other players are more deserving the baton of Maestro Rudy Hartono, Liem Swie besides King!

Appropriate today as well, a very special day for King. The name fragrances, 3X-winning victory over the All England champion, and dozens of other winners including the Grand Prix and the Thomas Cup, today is the 56th birthday (born in the Holy, Central Java, February 28, 1956).

King was not just any victory. When challenging the legendary Rudy Hartono in the final of All England in 1976, he was a very young age: 20 years. Smash that he did while jumping also a trade mark, which became known in the world with the title "King Smash".

Began playing badminton at the instigation of her parents since childhood in the hometown of the Holy, Swie King finally into the PB Djarum club that gave birth to many national players.
PB Djarum Leader himself called 'Uncle King' as a very disciplined player forges himself, not to be outdone skill, and there is no mental defeat against all competitors.

The eve of independence day ago, King wrote:
"Indonesia's independence day soon to come, will there still be love for our country".

Happy birthday "King Uncle". We love you. We will never forget you! (KF-1 and VH / Wikipedia)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ancient Humans in Indonesia

In the case of the discovery of early human fossils, Indonesia occupies an important position, because early human fossils were found from Indonesia of all the Pleistocene it is clear that the physical development of early humans. Ancient man found in Indonesia are as follows.

A. Homo

1. Homo Mojokertensis
The Homo mojokertensis (ape-man from Mojokerto)
Fossils were found in Perning (Mojokerto) in East Java in 1936 - that this gay 1941.Fosil Von Koenigswald found ..

2. Homo Robustus
The meaning of human Robustus itself is a big strong ape body was found in 1936 in Sangiran River valley Solo.Fosil homosexuals who are found Von Koenigswald ..

3. Homo Sapiens
This type of gay men who already have a shape similar to the human body now and also has the nature of man now but still has a very simple life, and of course life wandering (nomadic). The type of Homo sapiens found in Indonesia there are two, namely:

- Homo Soloensis

- Homo sapiens wajakensis

A) Homo Soloensis
Soloensis Homo fossils found in Ngandong, Blora, at Sangiran and Sambung Macan, Sragen, by Ter Haar, Oppenoorth, and Von Koenigswald in the year 1931-1933 from the Upper Pleistocene layers. Soloensis Homo, which lived about 900,000 to 300,000 years ago.

Brain volume reached 1300 cc.

According to Von Koenigswald creatures higher level compared with Pithecanthropus Erectus. Is estimated that this creature is an evolution and Pithecanthropus mojokertensis. By some experts, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo classified Soloensis which is a hominid species Homo sapiens from Asia, Europe, and Africa from the Upper Pleistocene layers.

B) Homo Wajakensis
Wajakensis Homo fossil was discovered by Van Riestchoten in 1889 in the village Wajak, Tulungagung. This fossil was then studied by Eugene Dubois. This fossil is the first hominid fossils were reported from Indonesia.

Wajakensis Homo fossils have about 130-210 cm in height, weighing between 30-150 kg. 1300 cc brain volume reaches this kind of early humans lived between 40 000 -25 000 years ago, the Upper Pleistocene layers. When compared to the type sebelu mnya, Homo Wajakensis show progress.

The food was cooked, although still very simple. Homo skull Wajakensis have much in common with the skulls of indigenous Australia, Aboriginal. Therefore, Eugene Dubois suspect that Homo Australoide WajakensIs included in the race, bernenek ancestor of Homo Soloensis and reduce Aboriginal peoples. Wajakensis Homo fossils also have similarities with the human fossil Niah in Sarawak Malaysia, human Tabon in Palawan, the Philippines, and Australoid fossils from South China, and South Australia.

4. Homo Floresienses (Hobbit)
Of which is described like a human and a dwarf stature, has existed since 13,000 years ago means that these dwarf humans live together with other normal human being ...

B. Ancient Humans in Indonesia

1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus

Paleojavanicus Meganthropus fossil was discovered by Von Koenigswald in Sangiran, Solo River valley in the year 1936-941. These fossils are from the Lower Pleistocene layer. Meganthropus has a robust body and a large and powerful jaws. They lived by gathering food (food gathering) their food mainly comes from plants and fruits. Some experts consider that it is actually a Pithecanthropus Meganthropus with a great body.

2. Pithecanthropus

Pithecanthropus fossils of early human fossils are most commonly found in Indonesia. Pithecanthropus fossils come from the lower and middle Pleistocene. They live by hunting and gathering food they had eaten everything, but the food is not cooked. Consists of Pithecanthropus several types, as follows:
a) Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis
Mojokertensis Pithecanthropus fossils found by Von Koenigswald Perning village, Valley Bengawan Solo Mojokerto , East Java in the Lower Pleistocene layer. The findings in the form of fossil children aged around 5 years. This creature, which lived about 2.5 to 2.25 million years ago. Regulated mojokertensis Pithecanthropus straight, his face thrust forward with a thick brow and strong cheekbones.

b) Pithecanthropus Robustus
This type of fossil found by Weidenreich and von Koenigswald in 1939 in the Trinil, Solo Valley. These fossils are from the Lower Pleistocene layer. Von Koenigswald considered Pithecanthropus fossils is similar to mojokertensis.

c) Pithecanthropus Erectüs
This type of fossil was discovered by Eugene Dubois in the village of Trinil, Ngawi, East Java, in 1890 came from the Middle Plestosen layer. They live around one million to one and a half million years ago. Pithecanthropus Erectus walked upright with a straight body and a powerful tool chewers. Pithecanthropus brain volume reaches 900 cc. Modern human brain volume over 1000 cc, while the ape's brain volume is only 600 cc.

S'moga can add insight knowledge of history


Why Dutch Origins Colonizing Indonesia Over 350 Years

Did you know that as a nation bukulah the Dutch can get to colonization of the archipelago and the rich of this earth for centuries? The book is titled "Itinerario naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien", written by Jan Huygen van Linshoten in the year 1595. Here's her story:

Long before Europe opened his eyes to find a new world, the indigenous people nationwide live in peace. This situation changed dramatically when the Europeans began arriving on the pretext of trade, but to bring combat forces equipped with weapons. It is ironic, a character that moves the wheels of world history into the pools of blood are two different popes. First, Pope Urban II, who waged a crusade to capture Jerusalem in the Council of Clermont in 1096. And secondly, Pope Alexander VI.

Within a few short years, had invaded the Netherlands East Indies and it lasts a long time until the newly independent nation in 1945

Crusade unwittingly opened the eyes of the Europeans about the civilization that is far superior than them. European experience of enlightenment due to contact with Muslims in this crusade. If it is a fact long before the Europeans dared to sail the oceans, the Arabs have been known to the world as a nation of intrepid traders who used to sail the ocean to the archipelago.

Even camphor which is one of the main substances in the ritual of embalming the Pharaoh in Egypt in the centuries before Christ, came from a small village called Barus who was in the middle of the west coast of Sumatra. From this meeting of European civilization to know if there is one area in the south of the globe that is rich with natural resources, that does not exist anywhere in the world.The country was filled with rubber, pepper and other spices, other than that of Europe as well kiss the gold and precious stones that are stored in the stomach. The land is very friendly climate, and nature is very beautiful. This area that we now know the name of the archipelago. Hearing all this wealth of Europe is very eager to find all the things that has not been acquired.Pope Alexander VI in 1494 gave the church an official mandate to the Kingdom of the Catholic Portuguese and Spanish through the Treaty of Tordesillas. Given this agreement, Pope Alexander to arbitrarily divide the world outside of mainland Europe into two plots to annexed. Tordesilas demarcation line in the agreement that followed the circle of latitude of the Cape Verde Islands, beyond the two poles of the earth. This gives the New World is now called the Americas to Spain. Africa and India handed over to the Portuguese.Pope demarkasinya line shifts eastward as far as 1170 kilometers from Cape Verde Islands. Brazil also fell to the Portuguese. European foray path eastwards far into the archipelago was divided into two. Spanish and Portuguese sailed to the West to the East, the two finally met in the Moluccas, the Banda Sea. Previously, if two competing center of power that reproduce exactly the treasure robbery meet at one point then they will fight, but when you meet in the Moluccas, the Portuguese and Sanyol try to refrain.On 5 September 1494, Spain and Portugal made agreements Saragossa that determine the anti-meridian, or line connections on a semi-circle which went on line 1170 kilometers from Cape Verde. The line is located to the east of the Maluku islands, around Guam.Since then, Portugal and Spain managed to bring a lot of spices from the voyage. Across Europe to hear it and start the race to also send a fleet to new lands in the south.When the European naval expedition sent to discover new worlds, understanding between trade, warfare, and the spread of Christianity there was virtually no difference. The mission of this European imperialism until we now know as the "Three G": Gold, Glory, Gospel. All authorities, kings, traders, which is in the southern European country talking about the very wealthy.They are vying to reach the archipelago of the various pathways. Unfortunately, it was not there a map of sea voyages in full and contains detailed route from Europe to the region known as the East Indies Europe. Map of European nations has just reached the mainland India, while the area on the east side was still dark.Compared to Spanish, Portuguese is superior in many ways. Portuguese sailors who are runaway leaders Templar (and founded the Knights of Christ), with strict maps attempt to conceal their latest shows sea routes to Southeast Asia.The maps then the thing most wanted by many kings and merchants of Europe. But like the saying goes, "smart-smart squirrel jump, eventually falling too", then so are the maps held secret Portuguese sailors.A number of Dutch people who have worked long on the Portuguese sailors know this. One of them named Jan Huygen van Linschoten. In 1595 he published a book called Oost ofte Itinerario naer Portugaels Indien, Travel Guide to the East or Portuguese Indies, which includes a variety of maps and very detailed deksripsi cruise lines that made the Portuguese to the East Indies, complete with all its problems.Books that sell well in Europe, but of course this is not like Portuguese. The nation held a grudge on the Dutch people. Thanks to this van Linschoten, the Dutch finally know a lot of the problems faced by the Portuguese in the new region and also the secrets of the ship and the voyage track.The entrepreneurs and the Dutch authorities to build and refine maritime fleet ships immediately, so that they can plunder the world's wealthy south, and not inferior to other European kingdoms.In 1595 the Dutch sent a first expedition to the archipelago called the East Indies. This expedition consisted of four ships with 249 crew led by Cornelis de Houtman, a Dutchman who has long worked on the Portuguese in Lisbon. Approximately one year later, in June 1596, de Houtman landed at the port of Bantam which is the main port of the pepper trade of Java, then along the north coast, stopping at Sedayu, Madura, and others. De Houtman very poor leadership.He behaved arrogant and arbitrary besikap on indigenous people and also against fellow European traders. A number of conflicts caused him to lose a lot of boat and crew, so when it landed in the Netherlands in 1597, leaving him only three boats and 89 crew. However, the three ships full of spices and other valuable objects.Dutch people think, if a de Houtman who is not capable to lead the course can earn that much, especially if led by a man and a fleet that is far superior. The return of the team de Houtman cause a burning passion in many Dutch merchants to follow in his footsteps. Houtman trail followed by dozens or even hundreds of Dutch merchants sent their fleets to the East Indies.


According to wikipedia the Republic of Indonesia or Indonesia abbreviated RI is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country consisting of 13 487 islands, therefore he is also known as Nusantara ("outer islands", in addition to Java, which is considered the center). With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state.

Indonesia is a republic form of government, the House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council and the President is elected directly. Capital city is Jakarta. Indonesia borders Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on New Guinea and East Timor on the island of Timor. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India.

History of Indonesia is heavily influenced by other nations. Indonesia archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the kingdom of Palembang Srivijaya in religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddhism has been growing in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought each other to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Having been under Dutch rule, Indonesia which was called the Dutch East Indies declared its independence at the end of World War II.

Indonesia's history has many obstacles, threats and challenges of natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process and a period of rapid economic change.

From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of various ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group and most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "Unity in Diversity" ("It varies, but remains one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country. Besides having a dense population and vast territory, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the second largest biodiversity in the world.

Well, the more complete Indonesia in INDONESIA again .... read more